Law Enforcement

Center for Policing Equity (CPE) is a national nonprofit organization eliminating bias in policing by measuring it

What We Do

We are research scientists, race and equity experts, data virtuosos, and community trainers, using data as tools to build more fair and just systems. Our process begins with strong law enforcement partnerships. The next step brings in stakeholders to work backwards and identify unique points that produce inequality. Then we allow the data to guide us.

Our work is powered by science. We use advanced analytics to diagnose disparities in policing, shed light on police behavior, and answer questions police and communities have asked for years about how to build a healthy relationship. It is a process everyone can trust – even when they don’t trust one another.

We have to change the paradigm now. I think that in law enforcement we are at a very important time. I think that we're at a point where our communities are calling out for us to be something different than what we were. I think if we're going to be on the right side of history, it starts today.

- Chief Medaria Arradondo, Minneapolis Police Department


We have partnered with 25+ police departments across the country, and we would like to connect with you. Connect your police department with CPE by emailing

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